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Social Media Content Marketing

Use social media content marketing to create posts that educate, inform, and entertain your customer. At the same time, position your brand as a solution to your customer’s needs.
Social Media Content Marketing:  Tips and TrickS

Image with social media icons

What makes your customers click on a post?  Is it because it is funny? Interesting? Or they find it compelling? Whatever the reason may be; are you there and ready to solve your customers problems through strategic content marketing?

Here are tricks to improve your customers user experience and achieving your brand’s marketing objectives.

When crafting the perfect post:
  • Discover what are your brand’s goals are
  • Find out who and where your audience is
  • Optimise your content for each platform
  • Create your content for human beings
  • Be punchy and direct with your calls to action

So, what do we mean by the term social media? It refers to websites and applications that facilitates the creation and sharing of information; quickly, efficiently, and in real time. Examples would be – just to mention a few – LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Social media has an incredibly diverse base of users; it is estimated that there are over 2 billion users world-wide. This is a great place to share all sorts of content types, ranging from articles and blog posts to videos and infographics.

The most imperative aspect of any social media content marketing is to set specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely goals. It’s easier to measure success or failure when you have set goals from the beginning.

Ensure your goals solve challenges, they shouldn’t always be focus on money. This kind of marketing is more about awareness, engagement and providing solutions to problems rather than selling.

Your audience doesn’t care how amazing you think your brand, services or product is. They care about what they can get from what you do. It is all about what’s in it for them.

Whose attention are you hoping to attract? Is it the working class? Teenagers? Businesspeople? Understand and know the typical audience of any social network before creating content for them. The fact is, not all of them are equal.

The various networking channels have unique interactive styles. For instance, LinkedIn is a professional network platform. Facebook is considerably less professional, a place to network with friends and family. Twitter is all about things that are happening right now – it has a strong emphasis on real-time information. While Instagram is a photo and video sharing platform.

No two platforms are the same. Tailor your content more effectively by optimising it for the platform you are writing for. Drive the same message across each social network. This doesn’t entirely mean that you can’t post different things on different platforms. In fact, doing so might even help you to: boost your engagement, get more shares, likes and followers.

Providing valuable and interesting content is one half of the job, the other half is all about how you write and present information. Try to avoid lengthy or convoluted sentences. Stay away from colourless “business-speak”. Use emojis to illustrate your point instead of explaining it in long sentences. Remember, social media is all about being human.

Write content for people – focus on the message, quality and the relevance of what you are writing about. Always write with the reader in mind. Don’t be all “me me me”. Nothing turns a reader off faster than companies that only post about themselves.

Don’t be shy to address your readers directly – social media works best when its personal. Use pronouns such as “we”, “I,” “me,” and “you” as opposed to “the company,” “the client,” or “the team”. These words build connections and boost engagement.

Your content has caught my attention, you have created a conviction in me about your brand, then what’s next? A call to action (CTA) that persuades me to take the final step.

A call to action is a signpost that lets the user know what to do next. It is the chance to motivate your audience to take real steps toward becoming your customer.

A good call to action (CTA) will certainly improve your effectiveness. Keep it brief and use strong verbs with your CTAs like “Watch Now” or “Read More”. Don’t confuse your fans by asking for too many actions. For example, “Read more then come back and comment and share our post.”

Get your message across using proper spelling, grammar and punctuation. A clean, well-written copy is a brand ambassador. It says you care about quality and can be trusted. The better the grammar, the clearer your message – lay the foundation for clear communication.  Write in a way that your reader understands you.

Behind every great brand is valuable and relevant content that connects with the company’s audience. Practice content writing that gives your audience something they need, want or value, which will increase their interest and engagement with your brand.

Comments (5)


This is such an informative piece! Thank you so much!!


Good day Celia

Thank you for taking the time to read our blog. We appreciate that you found it informative.


Orrin Bach

What if my business sells everyday tangible products, what content do I need to put out there to bump sales? How do I compete for a market share with businesses like tigerbrands, Unilever etc. ?


Good day Orrin Bach

You will need to do market research on your products to identify things that may differentiate you in the market. Once that is completed, map out your target audience. You will then tailor your content according to your customer’s interests and according to your market research.

It would help if you could provide more information on the products you have to offer so we can properly diagnose the issue.

We are looking forward to your response.


Orrin Bach

Thank you Azale that’s very highly. I will get down to it.

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