The client, SALA, requested PR services such as media relations, content development and social media management services across Twitter and Facebook in order for the public to be aware of the value of the literary landscape in paying tribute to South African authors, poets and writers.
or both SALA and the African Writers Conference (ACIAWC), the events themselves are unique and prestigious such that the reception they needed from the public was not only for the media to profile the event’s organisers but interest to spark conversations on the background and history of the awards ceremony and the conference. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram were used during the campaign.
After a few ideation sessions, AZALE arranged strategies that created and developed content that tells stories about how the event originated from the organisers and associated partners, the longevity of the events over the years and some stories from the previous winners, and the diversity range of nominees for the year 2018. We managed to market the SA Literary Awards by arranging TV interviews for our clients and partners.